2019 group shot 01
Life's Changes
Released February 14, 2024
album cover
Album cover photo by Natalie and Kirk
Available on Apple Music and many other streaming services
Read about the journey to our 6th album

The journey to our 6th album

It takes a lot of time to create an album. After 6 years of making an album each year, we felt that it was time to take some time off from the recording studio so we took several years off (of recording). Finally, back in 2019 Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins started writing songs again.

The group for our 6th album is primarily made up of Kirk (who sings, plays acoustic guitar and drums), Pam (vocals), Seth (bass), and Robby (vocals and keys). We were going to go with 'cover songs' (songs written by other people) but Kirk was inspired by Rend Collective and other songs that he heard with a banjo in them. He decided to purchase a banjo to use in leading worship and for this album. Most of the songs written for this album are a collaboration, written by Kirk and someone else. Kirk came up with the song titles and asked friends and family to write songs with him. Jacob Freese was a major contributor to the project. We would write songs during our small group time. Sometimes new songs came from the song titles that I suggested, sometimes not.

The requirements for the songs were:
It should
  • draw people closer to God
  • be easy enough for kids and even adults to sing
  • 100 words or less
  • (could) include a banjo part (could be added later just for the recording)
  • be able to be played in Sunday morning worship services

The album was going to be called 'A Banjo in Every Song'. Yep, there is a banjo in every song. As we finished up recording, I (Kirk) decided to rename the album. From the beginning of song writing until the final stages of recording, a lot happened. Jacob Freese, a major contributor to the album, lost his little girl. She had health issues her whole life, but that didn't stop her from smiling and laughing and playing. She had the best parents!

The entire world went through COVID-19. That caused some changes in life, wouldn't you say?

When COVID hit, gzuslivz stopped leading children's worship and when it came time for children's worship to start back up, we didn't feel like we were supposed to lead worship for children's worship any longer. So we didn't.

Kirk and Seth lead worship many Sundays with the adult praise band. Pam continued to serve as an elder. Robby continued to help out with the kids. Then Seth and Robby went off to college.

What else? Oh, Kirk and Pam both changed jobs and also became empty nesters. Yeah, a little bit of change happened.

So a title of 'Life's Changes' for this album makes sense, don't you think? Even though we go through different things and stages in life, we can know that our God never changes.

Amazing Grace Time

Sample audio
Amazing Grace Time (Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins)
G  D  Am  C


4/4 lines 1 and 2
7/8 lines 3 thru 6
4/4 instrumental open to strum

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see (now I see, I see)
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see (now I see, I see)

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed (I first believed, first believed)
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed (I first believed, first believed)

When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun (we first begun, first begun)
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun (we first begun, first begun)


Composed by: Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Pam Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Keyboard - Robby Mumfrey
Mandolin - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: Amazing Grace with a twist. This version has some fun transitions between 4/4 and 7/8 timing.
Recording/editing notes: fade out the song at 157 finish by 165
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Come Thou Fount

Sample audio
Come Thou Fount (Robert Robinson (1758))
E  Bsus  A2  E  (2x)

Verse 1:
           E              Bsus              A2                E
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
           E            Bsus              A2               E
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above
           E                 Bsus             A2            E
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love

Verse 2:
Here I raise my Ebenezer, Here by Thy great help I've come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God
He to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood

Verse 3:
Oh to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, Oh take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above

Repeat Verse 1

           E                 Bsus             A2            E
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love
           E                 Bsus             A2            E
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love

Composed by: Robert Robinson (1758)

Vocals 1st verse, Lead - Robby Mumfrey
Vocals 2nd verse, Lead - Natalie Hopkins
Vocals 3rd verse, Lead - Kirk
Vocals 4th verse, Lead - Robby Mumfrey
Vocals, Harmony - Robby
Vocals, Harmony - Kirk
Vocals, Harmony - Natalie
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Cello - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Fiddle - Joe Gruber
Mandolin - Joe Gruber
Keyboard - Robby Mumfrey
Song Notes: This is a hymn done by a drummer.

I'm Thankful

Sample audio
I'm Thankful (Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins)
I'm thankful to You my God
I'm thankful for what You've done
F                 Am  G
I'm thankful everyday
I'm thankful for so many things
Can't count 'em, too many things
F                     Am  G
Different for you and me
There's one thing we can agree
He died for, for you and me
F                     Am  G
Now I am truly free

Verse 1:
F  F  F  F F#
All the sins of the
G  G  G  G F#
world, world, world, He
F  F  F  F F#
forgave the sins of the

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2:
Jesus died on a
tree, tree, tree, yes
He died on a tree for
you and me

Repeat Chorus

Composed by: Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: As we wrote I'm Thankful, Jacob and I discussed things that we were thankful for. I mentioned that I was thankful for God, Jacob said "lots of things", and I said my family. We discussed how everyone doesn't have family or may not be in a great situation with their family. Out of that discussion was born "Different for you and me" meaning that we can all be thankful for different things. The one thing we all can share being thankful for though, is that Jesus died for our sins.
scratch recording/video

Jesus Be

Sample audio
Jesus Be (Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins)
A  E  F#m  D

Verse 1:
Jesus be the center (3x)
of my life

Verse 2:
Jesus be my guide (3x)
through all my life

Verse 3:
Jesus be with me (3x)
by my side

As I walk along
all through this life
I want to walk with You
by Your side

Repeat Bridge
Repeat Verse 1

Jesus hear my prayer (3x)
hear my plea

Repeat Verse 1
Repeat Bridge
Repeat Verse 1 2x

Composed by: Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Robby Mumfrey
Vocals, Lead on Bridges - Pam Hopkins
Vocals, Echos in the distance - Kirk Hopkins
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Electric Guitar - Jacob Freese
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Mandolin - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: Once again, we have another song written during our small group time. The idea was to have a 4 chord repeating song talking about Jesus being the center of our life. Sometimes we ask Him to walk along beside us, but we should probably just walk along beside Him.
scratch recording/video

Joy Comes from You

Sample audio
Joy Comes from You (Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins)
Intro 4x:
1& & &4&1 2 3 4

Joy comes from You
It's not what I do

Not what's happening now
or how I feel

Not what's going on
or what will I do

Not on circumstances
maybe second chances


You are my joy
You are my joy
You are my joy
You are my joy

Repeat Song
Repeat Chorus 2x
Repeat Intro 2x

Composed by: Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Mandolin - Kirk Hopkins
Keys - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: Joy and happiness are not the same thing. Happiness is based on circumstances where joy is not. I believe true joy comes from God.
scratch recording/video

Lead Me in the Stillness

Sample audio
Lead Me in the Stillness (Kirk Hopkins)
G  F

I will trust You Lord
I will seek Your will
Have Your way in me
Teach me to love more
Lead me to Your ways

B  C

Banjo top string
5 4 5 7 3 3 3 3

Fingers 3212

9 open 8
10 open 9

Composed by: Kirk Hopkins

Composed by: Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Lead - Robby Mumfrey
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Cymbals - Kirk Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Electric Fiddle as a Cello - Joe Gruber
Fiddle - Joe Gruber
Song Notes: Lead Me in the Stillness was originally called 'Spirit Song' and was written as a free flowing, unstructured song, where the singer can speak with, to, or about God. It's a prayer song, primarily structured by the music played on the banjo. We almost didn't release this song because, well, it didn't sound that great. After working on other songs on the album it became appearent that with a little help (from Robby singing instead of Kirk), this song could survive. It also birthed another song, 'Lead Me through the Chaos'. Both songs share similar chords and lyrics but you might notice a little difference in them.

Lead Me through the Chaos

Sample audio
Lead Me through the Chaos (Kirk Hopkins)
Verse 1:
G  F 
I will trust You Lord
I will trust You Lord

I will seek Your will
I will seek Your will

B  C  B  C  B  C  B  C

Verse 2:
G  F 
Have Your way in me 
Teach me to love more 
Lead me to Your ways
Lead me to Your ways

B  C  B  C  B  C  B  C

G  F  G  F

Lead me to Your ways
Lead me to Your ways

B  C  B  C

top string 
5 4 5 7 3 3 3 3 

Fingers 3212 

9 open 8 
10 open 9

Composed by: Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Kirk Hopkins
Cello - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Electric Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: This song is based on Lead Me in the Stillness. Hopefully in times of trials and tribulations (as well as in good times) we will continue to seek God. This song shares the same melody, chords, and has similar lyrics as its predecessor (Lead Me in the Stillness); it's twice as fast and was written to have a hard rock sound. When life is challenging and it feels like things are out of control, turn to God.

Nothing but the Blood

Sample audio
Nothing but the Blood (Robert Lowry 1876)
Long note on keys, add birumbau

Verse 1:
What can wash away my sin
                         G C2
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again
                         G C2
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Chorus 1:
Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
                         G C2
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Verse 2:
For my pardon, this I see
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
For my cleansing this my plea
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Verse 3:
Nothing can for sin atone
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Naught of good that I have done
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Repeat Chorus

Verse 4:
This is all my hope and peace
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
This is all my righteousness
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Verse 5:
Now by this I'll overcome
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Now by this I'll reach my home
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Verse 6:
Glory! Glory! This I sing
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
All my praise for this I bring
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Repeat Chorus

Composed by: Robert Lowry 1876

Vocals, Lead - Kirk
Vocals, Lead - Natalie Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Natalie Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Cello - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Keys - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: Another old hymn. There's value in history.


Sample audio
Praise (Karen Dean and Kirk Hopkins)
G      D      C  D  G

G             D           C                  G
Gracious God, Holy is He, let us be glad and sing for joy
G                D                         C     D      G
Gracious God, my soul will rejoice in the glory of His name

Verse 1:
   C                 Em
We praise Him in His sanctuary
D                   Em
praise Him with the harp and lyre
     C       Em               D           G
with timbrel and with dancing we lift His name

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2:
     C        Em                D               Em
With trumpets and with cymbals, we proclaim His love
C                    Em                   D                  G
Lift high the mighty name of Christ whose blood was shed for all

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3:
   C                 Em             D                   Em
so sing His praises, shout for joy, He listens when you call
  C                 Em             D                 G
I sing His praises, shout for joy, He listens when I call

Repeat Chorus 3x

Influenced by "life is Beautiful" by Rend Collective

Composed by: Karen Dean and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Fiddle - Joe Gruber
Mandolin - Joe Gruber
Song Notes: I (Kirk) approached Karen Dean (my sister) about co-writing a song with me for this album while on vacation at her house. I showed her my ideas for song titles. In less than 24 hours she came to me with the lyrics for the song. The lyrics were based on Psalm 150, which also happens to be my favorite chapter of the Bible.

Prayer without Words

Sample audio

Composed by: Kirk Hopkins

Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Electric Guitar - Zach Murray
Keyboard - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: This is a song built on one chord. It's a spirit song and a prayer without words.


Sample audio
Rejoice (Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins)

We can rejoice
when we run into trouble

when we go through trials
We can turn to You
For we know through this trouble
we will endure

we know
God loves us
we know
He loves us

Repeat song
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Pre-chorus instrumental
Repeat Chorus 2x


­Romans 5:3-5

Composed by: Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Robby Mumfrey
Vocals, Harmony - Pam Hopkins
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Electric Guitar - Zach Murray
Keyboard - Robby Mumfrey
Song Notes: A simple song of praise that reminds us that bad things happen to all of us. In those bad times as well as the good times, we can and should still rejoice because God loves us and there's nothing more important than that.

The Lord's Prayer

Sample audio

Composed by: Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Natalie Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Electric Guitar - Jacob Freese
Electric Guitar - Zach Murray
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: Who doesn't like the Lord's Prayer, right? I've played and also have heard several versions of the Lord's Prayer including one by "Enter the Worship Circle", "Cari Cole", and "Redeye Carl & The Pirates". My sister wasn't super-impressed when she heard my version on the banjo. What do you think of it?
scratch recording/video

The Sun Stopped, Joshua's Prayer

Sample audio
The Sun Stopped, Joshua's Prayer (Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins)
(1) &  a2e(3) & a4e
G  B7  C2  Am

Verse 1:
G  B7  C2  Am
Come rescue us
We need your help
We can't stand alone
We need you here

Repeat Verse 1

1        2    1 2 3 4
Am7  B7  C2
Joshua prayed
yes he prayed
and he prayed

    D7       G
and it stood still

Repeat Intro

Verse 2:
make the sun stop
make it stop
and it stood still
all day long

Repeat Verse 2
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Intro
Repeat Chorus

Composed by: Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Robby Mumfrey
Vocals, Harmony - Pam Hopkins
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Fiddle - Joe Gruber
Song Notes: This was the first song written for this album. The song title came from a recent message presented in a worship service. Jacob and Kirk are in a small group together that meets weekly. Jacob selected the song based on title from the list of potential song titles provided. We read the story in the Bible (Joshua 10:10-15) as a basis for the content and wrote the song.

We decided to record it twice, once 'for the album', and once for a music video.


Sample audio
Why (Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins)
Capo 1

G   D   G   D
G   D   C   C

Verse 1:
I don't know why good things happen
I don't know why sometimes bad things happen

Repeat Verse 1
Repeat Intro

Verse 2:
In all things, in every circumstance
God is in control, in everything that happens

Repeat Verse 2
Repeat Intro

Verse 3:
No point in asking questions, if there are no answers
Trust in God, because He has all the answers

Repeat Verse 3

Em  Am  Em  Am
Em  Am  C   C

Repeat Verse 1
Repeat Verse 2
Repeat Intro
Repeat Verse 3

Outro 3x:
Trust in God, I will trust in God
always trust in God, because He has all the answers

G = 320033
D = xx0232
C = x32033

Composed by: Jacob Freese and Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Cello - Kirk Hopkins
Percussion - Kirk Hopkins
Keyboard - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: God is in control. It's that simple.
scratch recording/video

Yes, No, or Wait

Sample audio
Yes, No, or Wait (Kirk Hopkins)
A     G     D   D4 D
A     G     D   D2 D

Verse 1:
A                  G             D  D4 D
Things on my mind, things I need say
  A                     G                     D  D2 D
Between You and me it's hard to see past this day
  A                    G
I know You want what's best for me
    A                     G
The good and the bad make me who I am
  A                  G
I say it out loud, I say it in prayer
G                A
God what will it be

          A              G     D   D4 D
Sometimes yes, sometimes no or wait
          A              G     D   D2 D
Sometimes yes, sometimes no or wait
       A        G                 D   D4 D
I like yes, not no definitely not wait
          A              G     D
Sometimes yes, sometimes no or wait

Verse 2:
A    G             D     D   D4 D
Do I want this for me
A       G                 D     D   D2 D
Will it draw me closer to You
A            G        A              G
Will they be reached, what will they see
A         G        G       A
Will they see Your work in me

Repeat Chorus

  A                G
I bring my pain, I bring my joy
  A                   G
I want it this way, I want what I want
  A                     G
I ask You these things, please answer me
G                   A  
and that's when You say

Repeat Chorus

Composed by: Kirk Hopkins

Vocals, Lead - Kirk Hopkins
Vocals, Harmony - Robby Mumfrey
Acoustic Guitar - Kirk Hopkins
Banjo - Kirk Hopkins
Bass - Seth Hopkins
Bells - Kirk Hopkins
Drums - Kirk Hopkins
Keyboard - Kirk Hopkins
Mandolin - Kirk Hopkins
Song Notes: I believe that when you ask God for something, you'll get one of three answers, "Yes, No, or Wait". Of course we all want to get everything we ask for, but like a two-year who wants cookies for dinner, things we want aren't always best for us. We have a limited view of our life but God sees the whole picture. I think He has my best interest in mind and wants me to talk to Him about my thoughts and feelings (we call that prayer) just like I like to talk to my children about things in their life. I want what's best for them and believe that's true with our relationship with God as well. He wants what's best for us, He wants what's best for me. That doesn't mean everything is always going to be perfect. It does mean that we can always talk to God about what's on our mind.
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